Sunday, December 15, 2013

My tribute to Madiba

            Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 Dec 2013) a legend no one could ever forget. There is a saying that if a man dies when his family mourns for him he is a good person, when a society mourns for him he is a good human being, but when the whole world mourns for him he is beyond a doubt a Legend. Nelson Mandela believed only in one power one vote. He wanted the rights for his people. He wanted to be treated right. He wanted the respect they all deserved. He was a man who believed who could fight for a cause. He sacrificed his whole life for something he believed in, something he wanted his family, friends, relative in the future could live in. He wanted everyone to see all as equal as a human being nothing more. Those times people can’t even dream of starting up a revolution against the white people, their life could become hell even if they raise their voice against the White people. Initially Mandela believed that words can resolve the problem not actions. But there were no response to his words. So he decided that only actions could teach all of them a lesson. So he started a revolution against them. Every coloured man stopped their work and joined hands with Mandela.
 Days passed but there wasn’t a solution to anything. Finally Mandela was arrested along with the members of the ANC who supported his cause and the whole revolution was ended. I couldn’t believe he spent his 27 years of life imprisoned believing that someday he could achieve what he believed in. In the 27 years Mandela was never allowed a visitor. He was not even allowed to attend his own son’s funeral. After almost 25 years people’s anger started to act out and there was no way of stopping them. Their only goal was to free Mandela. Lots of riots broke out and they were war with the government. The youngsters who fought haven’t even seen Mandela. They all believed in the great Leader that their bedtime stories were about. They wanted to be the part of the movement that could make them free. The government couldn’t take it anymore of this, they knew they were losing. So they made a negotiation to release Mandela and all other ANC leaders who were arrested along with him. Mandela was a free man after 27 years. After his release he stated that
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered”.
 He was given a Nobel Peace prize for his patience all the 27 years. After all the fight, struggle, pain he endured he was made the first South African Black President in 1994. After a success run in politics Mandela retired and started several trusts to run, He even campaigned for FIFA world Cup 2010 to be held in South Africa. Mandela continued his works as a social activist until he fell sick. There was a quote by him saying
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”  
Mandela believed he could bring the change in his country. He was not a born legend but his actions made him the Man we respected, looked upon, worshipped, adored and upon all wanted to fight along with him.  His death is a great loss to the Humanity, but he left his Memories to guide us when we need him. My Tribute to this Great Legend “Sir your physical body might have left this world but you will live a infinite lifetime by residing in our thoughts and actions”...

Rest In Peace NELSON MANDELA a.k.a Madiba ...

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Diwali is one of the most celebrated Festival.During our school days we get a plenty holidays for Diwali like almost a week.It is most Enjoyed Festival of all times Like families getting together bursting lots of crackers till our ears would cry for silence.I still remember the most craziest thing i would do like to lit up a cracker in the hand and throwing it .Combining all the  elements of different crackers  and  trying to see the reaction  of  it which i haven't even tried in chemistry labs. Wearing the New dress which budget will be very less compared to the crackers and getting it damaged without even watching ,Staff members in school bursting the crackers before the long holidays these are the memories that rush back to me when I remember  the festival Diwali.

 This year i have decided to take an oath not burst crackers at all as I am have turned into environmentalist, this oath has been taken by me for past 3 years but I haven't fully followed it in the past years coz still the childhood memories comes and goes as I see my cousins playing with crackers. But this year I am really gonna make it work because  this could be the something  I could do for my earth . I am sharing this with you guys is because I want you guys  to realize the effectiveness of the matter. So Everyone Out there 

                             " HAPPY GREEN DIWALI"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The King Of Pop

The first person that comes to mind when everyone say KING OF POP and THE MOONWALKER is the one and only MICHAEL JACKSON famously called as MJ.He rocked this world with his amazing voice and different dance moves .I have never known a person who have  been praised and loved by the fans so much without any arguments.His songs  that released in the early 1990's were a massive hit for MJ like "thriller","Beat it","Billie Jean"  .Those songs were played by the MTV channel which refused to play any Black american songs in the beginning  But as the world rule says  "no one can be in a position praised by everyone all the time ".Mj started to face his defeat starting from his health which caused his Skin to turn into a fair color.People blamed him that he did a plastic surgery to turn  him into a white.He did not Blame those people he was very upset to see the behavior of his fans . Everything came to an end for him as  his marriage collapsed , he was reported for child abusing and lost of money in that blackmailing. Jackson started to hate the whole world and was very upset about the behavior of his fans .He decided to keep distance from the whole world for a certain time . And finally in 2009 MJ announced that he will do his final live  performance in london "THIS IS IT ".The practice and arrangements for the show was taking place in a grand manner .The tickets for the concert were sold all over the world . Everyone was really excited about the show .But the dream didn't turn as quite excepted .MJ left this world on June 25,2009 . The world was filled with tears and broken hearts. Still so many didn't even believe the news they thought it would be a rumor.But the news so real to be believed. It was a disappointment for those who thought they would see the live concert of MJ. Then months later a movie named "THIS IS IT" was released . The movie was the shots taken during the practice for the great concert .Though he may be dead officially he still lives in the heart of millions of people who loved him and through the music of him we still listen. "YOU STILL LIVE  IN OUR HEARTS EACH AND EVERY SECONDS MJ" 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Dictator

Adolf Hitler (20 Apr 1889-30 Apr 1945)  the leader of the Nazi party . Ruled the Germany  as an dictator . Though he looked like an dictator in the eyes of other people he was god in form of human to his own people and for his followers. His followers had strong belief in him. He is also a motivational speaker,who can drug people with his powerful and confidence speech .The gatherings for his speech is unbelievable. A mass crowd of women and children will gather to hear his speech. Though he was powerful leader and dictator his ending was not a excepted he was not able to overcome the fear of himself been defeated  in the war . His story taught us

"People may live a life luxurious  as a king or as a dictator but their END is decided only in the hands of the FATE".

He is the Man "No One  Will Ever Forget"