Saturday, October 22, 2011


Diwali is one of the most celebrated Festival.During our school days we get a plenty holidays for Diwali like almost a week.It is most Enjoyed Festival of all times Like families getting together bursting lots of crackers till our ears would cry for silence.I still remember the most craziest thing i would do like to lit up a cracker in the hand and throwing it .Combining all the  elements of different crackers  and  trying to see the reaction  of  it which i haven't even tried in chemistry labs. Wearing the New dress which budget will be very less compared to the crackers and getting it damaged without even watching ,Staff members in school bursting the crackers before the long holidays these are the memories that rush back to me when I remember  the festival Diwali.

 This year i have decided to take an oath not burst crackers at all as I am have turned into environmentalist, this oath has been taken by me for past 3 years but I haven't fully followed it in the past years coz still the childhood memories comes and goes as I see my cousins playing with crackers. But this year I am really gonna make it work because  this could be the something  I could do for my earth . I am sharing this with you guys is because I want you guys  to realize the effectiveness of the matter. So Everyone Out there 

                             " HAPPY GREEN DIWALI"

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